December 14, 2023
Rushes - a night of film, images, sound, and talk by Aitan Ebrahimoff

Rushes is a timestamp, marking the completion of my artist-film residency at MACA. In the last months, I haven’t shot a single frame of video. I’ve been drawing, singing, writing, and consuming news reels. As a Jewish-Iranian the war in Israel-Palestine and the global reaction have reframed my subjectivity and the context of my work. My short documentary Parasite by Proxy (2023), mostly filmed in the Middle East, is open to new interpretations. Previously discarded footage now becomes relevant archival material. From this process of shattering and rebuilding comes fragmentary and holistic outputs: two video loops, one short film, one sound memorial, one drawing.

Aitan Ebrahimoff

Join us on the 14th of December, 2023 at 19.30 at MACA

Please make sure to RSVP by following link here: